
Recursion is a powerful tool for computation that often saves the programmer considerable work. As you will see, the benefit of recursion lies in its ability to simplify the code of algorithms, but first we want to better understand recursion. Let’s look at a simple nonrecursive function to calculate the product of 2 times a nonnegative integer, n, by repeated addition:


This function takes a number, n, as an input parameter and then defines a procedure to repeatedly add 2 to a sum. This approach to calculation uses a for-loop explicitly. Such an approach is sometimes referred to as an iterative process. This means that the calculation repeatedly modifies a fixed number of variables that change the current “state” of the calculation. Each pass of the loop updates these state variables, and they evolve toward the correct value. Imagine how this process will evolve as a computer executes the function call multiplyBy2(3). A “call” asks the computer to evaluate the function by executing its code.

When the process starts, sum is 0. Then the process iteratively adds 2 to the sum. The process generated is equivalent to the mathematical expression (2 + 2 + 2). The following table shows the value of each variable (i, sum, and n) at each time step:

A table showing how multiplication can be performed using successive addition of a non-negative value.

Recursive Multiplication

Like iterative procedures, recursive procedures are a means to repeat certain operations in code. We will now write a recursive function to calculate the multiplication by 2 as a sequence of addition operations.


The recursive formulation follows the mathematical intuition that 2 * n = 2 + 2 * (n − 1) = 2 + 2 + 2 * (n − 2) … and so on until you reach 2 + 2 + 2 + … 2 * 1. We can visualize this process by considering how a computer might evaluate the function call recursiveMultiplyBy2(3). The evaluation process is similar conceptually to a rewriting process.

recursiveMultiplyBy2(3) -> 2 + recursiveMultiplyBy2(2)

-> 2 + 2 + recursiveMultiplyBy2(1)

-> 2 + 2 + 2 + recursiveMultiplyBy2(0)

This example demonstrates a few features of a recursive procedure. Perhaps the most recognizable feature is that it makes a call to itself. We can see that recursiveMultiplyBy2 makes a call to recursiveMultiplyBy2 in the else part of the procedure. As an informal definition, a recursive procedure is one that calls to itself (either directly or indirectly). Another feature of this recursive procedure is that the action of the process is broken into two parts. The first part directs the procedure to return 0 when the input, n, is equal to 0. The second part addresses the other case where n is not 0. We now have some understanding of the features of all recursive procedures.

Features of Recursive Procedures