What Is Business Objects Reporting?

Business Objects Reporting is a tool used by companies to collate and disseminate valuable information to employees or management to make key decisions. It is also used to provide intelligent information to people outside the organization, such as customers or vendors.

Data Interpretation

In a complex world, organizations sometimes need to access and analyse deeply embedded data from multiple sources and platforms. Business Objects Reporting helps businesses to access this multiple platform data, both numeric and text, and to translate it into valuable information. Complex data are interpreted for trends and outliers and predictable patterns that help enhance key business processes and put in context numeric graphs.

Multiple Work Groups

Multiple users across an organisation and even outside can form work groups and connect with each other on a project involving multiple inputs from different locations. It does not matter that IT infrastructure within an organisation is not uniform and consists of a plethora of operating systems or web application systems. Using Business Objects Reporting software, employees can work on a project accessing a heterogeneous IT architecture.

Real Time Access to Information

It also helps organizations to stream out information live to customers about their queries without having to wait for a response time. At the heart of the Business Objects Reporting solution is the report engine that processes request from users and retrieves information from a data source. Feedback generates further information.

  1. Google docs: Business Objects Reporting
  2. SAP: SAP BusinessObjects Portfolio

Sunita Kaul Zutshi started writing in 1988, covering business and political issues. She reported for CNBC, BBC, Dubai Television, the "Financial Express," "Times Of India," "Khaleej Times" and "The Daily Star." She has been a reporter, producer and anchor and has reported live from various countries across the globe. She holds a Master of Arts in English literature from Delhi University.

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