Change management plan template

Creating a change management plan is the first step to making large changes in an organization. Using a plan is the best way to help your team enact large organization change in an effective and thoughtful manner. Here’s how you can create one for your team.


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Your team has just decided that they want to implement a huge change that will shift operations for most of the company. There’s a lot of planning, communication, and preparation that needs to happen—a change management plan template can help you keep everything organized.

Using a change management plan template can help you and your team organize your change management plan so you can get through major organizational changes with ease. Creating and maintaining a change management template can help you approach organizational change thoughtfully and ensure you don’t skip any steps of the process. As your organization grows, you can adapt your change management plan template to grow with it.

What is a change management plan template?

A change management plan template is a repeatable framework that you can use to establish change management plans. You can use this template to set the stage for organizational change, so that when change happens, your team can prepare for the resulting process shifts.

Change management plans are used to help transition teams from one process to another smoothly. They’re often used when processes drastically change in a way that could disrupt day-to-day operations. A change management plan template can help guide your team through any large transition with step-by-step guidance.

How to set up a change management template

A change management plan template is a valuable tool to have. This framework gives you a way to make sure all of the details of your change management plan, key stakeholders, and any lessons you learned are captured in your next change rollout.

Change management templates are best used when they’re in a tool that makes it easy to replicate and apply on a project-by-project basis. Digital project management tools can make this easy—simply create the initial change management template and then duplicate it. From there you can add all of the details that make that specific change management process unique.

When you’re creating a change management plan template, it’s important to include these key aspects of the project:

How to use a change management plan template

Using a change management plan template is the first step of your change management plan. This template will help you and your stakeholders identify the important timing and details of the entire process.

The beauty of using a change management plan template is that you can tailor each use to a specific project. The idea is that you use the same general framework consistently, but the details of each change management plan will be different.

This is best done using a collaborative project management software that everyone on your team can access. When your change management plan template lives in one central location, everyone on your team has the ability to access it when they need to.

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How do you create a change management plan template?

The first step to creating a change management plan template is to first go through the workflow with your team. Lay out the steps you need to implement organizational change. From there, you can create the basic framework of that process and use that as your change management plan template so the rest of your team can use it when they need to implement a major change.

How do I use a change management plan template?

When your team decides they want to move forward with a change management plan, creating a change management plan should be the first step to organizing your strategy. Using the blueprint outlined in your change management plan template, you can use that framework to implement different change management strategies as you see fit.

When should I use a change management plan template?

You should use a change management plan template anytime you start a new change management plan. This is most helpful during times of large organizational change, such as adopting a new company-wide tool or technology, change in organizational structure, updating company policies, or during a merger or acquisition.