A Comprehensive List of Messianic Prophecies

Prophecies include Yeshua's birth, life, death, and resurrection

Note: This article represents two and a half decades of research on the many messianic prophecies found in the Hebrew scriptures. However, it is still a work in progress. We welcome constructive feedback. Incomplete areas are highlighted to clearly mark the areas currently being worked on. [1]

The Pre-Existence of the Messiah

The Messiah Would be God Incarnate

The Messiah Would be the Son of God

The Time of the Messiah's Coming (Era, Time, & Date)

The Genealogy of the Messiah (Seed, Race, Nation, Tribe, & Family)

The Birth & Childhood of the Messiah

The Forerunner of the Messiah

The Attributes of the Messiah

Events During the Messiah's Ministry

The Messiah Would Perform Miracles

SubjectPropheciedFulfilledDated 140. The Messiah would heal the blind Isaiah 35:5a Mark 10:51-52 141. The Messiah would heal the deaf Isaiah 35:5b Mark 7:32-35 142. The Messiah would heal the lame Isaiah 35:6a Matthew 12:10-13 143. The Messiah would heal the dumb Isaiah 35:6b Matthew 9:32-33 144. The Messiah would heal the blind Isaiah 42:7 Matthew 9:27-30 145. The Messiah would have a healing ministry Isaiah 53:4a Luke 6:17-19 146. The Messiah would have healing in His wings

(When a person would hold his arms up, his robe would figuratively appear as wings. The tzi tzi was on the corner of the garments which is understood to be the part of the garment the woman touched. Furthermore, if He wasn’t the Messiah she would have been stoned on the spot for deliberately defiling someone.)

The Messiah Would Come to do God's Will

The Messiah Would Come for All People

The Messiah Would Come to Provide Salvation

The Messiah Would be Betrayed

The Messiah Would be Abandoned

The Messiah Would be Despised

The Messiah Would be Judged

The Messiah Would be Rejected

The Messiah Would Suffer Greatly

The Crucifixion of the Messiah

SubjectPropheciedFulfilledDated 269. The Messiah would provide Himself a lamb Genesis 22:8 . 270. The Messiah would be sacrificed upon the same mountain where God tested Abraham Genesis 22:14 Luke 23:33 271. The Messiah would die with the wicked Isaiah 53:9 272. The Messiah would be grouped with criminals Isaiah 53:12c Luke 23:32 273. The Messiah would receive wounds in His hands Zechariah 13:6 274. The Messiah's hands and feet would be pierced

(700 years before crucifixion was invented)

The Resurrection & Victory of the Messiah

Additional Notes

SubjectPropheciedFulfilledDated Cursed is every man that hangeth on a tree Malachi 4. Genesis 3:13 Christ fulfilled the sign of the prophet Jonah

Some of the passages relating to him are prophecies?

Jeremiah 31:31-37; 32:37-40;

Ezekiel 34:25-31; 36:26-28

Identifying and Interpretative Guidelines

  1. The prophets often speak of things to the future as if present to their view (Isaiah 9:6)
  2. They speak of things future as past (Isaiah 53)
  3. When the precise time of individual events was not revealed, the prophets describe them as continuous. They say the future in space rather than in time; the whole, therefore, appears foreshortened; and perspective, rather than actual distance, is regarded. They seem often to speak of future things as a common observer would describe the stars, grouping them as they appear, and not according to their true positions.[3]
  4. Prophecies have a double fulfillment,[4] meaning they refer to the time in which the prophet is speaking (near) as well as a time yet future (far).
    1. Specifics of each reference may not be literally applied to both.
    2. If the first fulfillment was not fulfilled in its entirety, it will be literally fulfilled in the second
    3. The partial fulfillment will most likely typify the secondary fulfillment
    1. Ex: Inheritance (Romans 8:17)
    1. The anti-type is like a practice-run whereas the type is usually the big production
    2. Comparison should be done regarding their broader points vs. their minute points
    3. A type is designed and is not coincidental
    4. A prophecy predicts in words whereas a type predicts in
      1. Persons
      2. Objects
      3. Actions
      4. Offices
      5. Institutions
      6. Events
      7. Symbols – follows much of that of the types with the addition of:
      1. We must understand the nature of the symbol
      2. Only has one signification
      3. Each reference it has the same meaning
        1. Oil is always a picture of the Holy Spirit
        2. Olive tree is always a picture of Israel
        3. Wisdom – Christ (Proverbs 1-13…?)

        [1] Many thanks to MessiahRevealed.org for the foundation of this list (site now appears offline).
        [2] The book of Enoch is not in the Bible, but Jude 5-7 is a quote from 1 Enoch 1:5-7. Therefore, although un-canonical, it is a book to hold in high regard.
        [3] Joseph Angus and Samuel G. Green, The Bible Hand Book, p. 245
        [4] If one understands that all Scripture should be interpreted with PRDS in mind, then there would be four different interpretations.