City of gastonia building permit application
- Zoning Permit
- Business License
- Certificate of Appropriateness
- Citizen Committee
- Event or Film Permit
- Address Information Search - Residential
- City Cemeteries
- Code of Ordinances
- Crime Prevention
- Fee Schedule
- Filling a pool
- Historic Districts
- Installing Irrigation
- Leak Adjustment Request
- Online Customer Self Service (CSS)
- Solar/Renewable Energy
- Utility Payment Options
- Utility Rates
- Utility Bill Online
- Property Taxes
- Code Violations
- Code/Ordinance Violation
- Crime
- Garbage - Missed Pick-up
- Pothole
- Report Outage
- Streetlight Outage
- Crime/Accident Report
- Fire Report
- Building Inspection
- Clear Water Disconnect Program Inspection
- Sports
- Automatic Bank Draft
- Budget Billing
- Good Neighbor
- Paperless Billing
- Notifications
- Insurance Claim
- Vendor Application
- City Events
- Solid Waste
- Housing and Community Engagement
- Alliance for Community Enrichment
- Keep Gastonia Beautiful
- Transportation
- Bids & RFPs
- Permits & Inspections
- Code Enforcement
- Economic Development
- Engineering
- Planning
- Surplus Property
- Vendor Application
- Business Utility Service
- Development Services
- Attractions
- Conference Center
- Gastonia Great Places
- History
- Schiele Museum
- Downtown Parking
- City Attorney
- City Manager
- Code Enforcement
- Communications and Marketing Department
- Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
- Economic Development
- Electric
- Engineering
- Financial Services
- Fire
- Fleet Services
- Housing and Community Engagement
- Human Resources
- Parks & Recreation
- Planning
- Police
- Schiele Museum
- Solid Waste
- Stormwater
- Streets & Traffic
- Technology Services
- Transportation Planning
- Water / Sewer
Gastonia, N.C. , just minutes west of Charlotte, is one of the area’s best places to live and work with an ideal combination of location, size and livability. Gastonia is the largest of Gaston County’s 13 municipalities and one of the largest cities in the Charlotte metropolitan area. Selected as an All-America City three times, Gastonia’s desirable quality of life is the result of its beautiful natural surroundings, friendly neighborhoods, responsive government and vibrant business environment.