Emergency card template for allergies
Instructions for filling out the card:
(1-11) Self-explanatory:
Name, address, phone: home, work, fax birth date, blood type, social security number, primary physician(s), insurance carrier, local and out of town emergency contacts and personal support network.
(12) Conditions, which a rescuer might need to know about (if you are not sure, list it): i.e. diabetes, epilepsy, heart condition, high blood pressure, and respiratory condition, HIV positive.
- "My disability, which is due to a head injury, sometimes makes me appear drunk. I'm not!"
- "I have a psychiatric disability, in an emergency I may become confused. Help me find a quiet corner and I should be fine in about 10 minutes; if not give me one green pill, (name of medication) located in my (purse, wallet, pocket, etc.)"
- "I take Lithium and my blood level needs to be checked every ______."
- Multiple chemical sensitivities - these conditions may not be commonly understood therefore explanations may need to be detailed. "I react to. my reaction is. do this. "
(13) Medications
If you take medication that cannot be interrupted without serious consequences, make sure this is stated clearly and include:
- Prescriptions
- Dosage
- Times taken
- Other details regarding specifications of administration/regime; i.e., insulin, etc.
- Instructions: i.e.: take my gamma globulin from the freezer; take my insulin from the refrigerator.
Name, address, phone and fax numbers of pharmacy where you get your prescriptions filled.
(14) Anticipated assistance needed.
- "I need specific help with: walking, eating, standing, dressing, transferring."
- Walking - "best way to assist is to allow me to hang on your arm for balance."
(15) Allergies and sensitivities:
History of skin or other reaction of sickness following injection or oral administration of:
- Penicillin or other antibiotics
- Tetanus, antitoxin or other serums
- Morphine, Codeine, Demerol or other narcotics
- Adhesive tape
- Novocain or other anesthetics
- Iodine or methiolate
- Aspirin, emperin or other pain remedies
- Foods such as eggs, milk chocolate, or others
- Sulfa drugs
- Sun exposure
- Insect bites, bee stings
(16) Immunization Dates (self-explanatory)
(17a) Communication or a speech-related disability:
Specific communication needs (examples):
- "I speak using an artificial larynx, if it is not available I can write notes to communicate."
- "I may not make sense for a while if under stress, let me alone for 10 - 15 minutes and my mind should clear."
- 'I speak slowly, softly and my speech is not clear. Find a quiet place for us to communicate. Be patient! Ask me to repeat or spell out what I am saying, if you cannot understand me!"
- "I use a word board, augmentative communication device, artificial larynx, etc., to communicate. In an emergency I can point to words and letters."
- "I cannot read. I communicate using an augmentative communication device. I can point to simple pictures or key words which you will find in my wallet or emergency supply kit"
- "I may have some difficulty understanding what you are telling me, please speak slowly and use simple language."
- "My primary language is ASL (American Sign Language). I am deaf and not fluent in English, I will need an ASL interpreter. I read only very simple English."
(17b) Equipment used:
- Motorized wheelchair
- Suction machine
- Home dialysis
- Respirator
- Instructions : take my oxygen tank, take my wheelchair.
(17c) Sanitary needs:
- Indwelling catheter
- Trash
Adapted from Independent Living Resource Center San Francisco and the American Red Cross
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